LFC radio app update – v1.0.4

Our very own Lofi-Clouds radio app got it’s first major update since unofficial launch some weeks ago. This update includes the much demanded dark theme function, a community page giving options to connect with other lofi fans from around the world and lots of fresh lofi hip-hip, chillhop, jazzhop and other mostly feelgood, instrumental tracks curated by our lo-fi Clouds team. Don’t forget that producers can submit tracks by uploading them directly to audius.co and then sending us the links via our discord channel. Listeners can have their say about the selection of our lofi radio through a voting mechanism which we put in place on Discord as well. Don’t hesitate to leave us a review on the app store if you appreciate our work, it goes a long way.
Download the app here if you’re on mobile (Android/iOS)
Alternatively our lofi desktop app already runs in beta.
Any bugs can be emailed to us via the contact form.